Ruth’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

IMG_1432Earlier this year I discovered Green Monsters, delicious fruit smoothies turned bright green by blending in veggies. My veggie of choice: baby spinach. It sounds awful, but they’re absolutely delicious. You don’t taste the veggies at all. Just the yummy yummy fruit. I was running low on baby spinach this time, so it’s a bit lighter green than usual. I usually just throw in whatever I have in the fridge/freezer or whatever I feel like that day.

This particular green monster has:

1/2 frozen apple
1/2 frozen banana
handful of baby spinach
what was left of the Del Monte peach fruit cup in the fridge
lemonade (and a bit of iced tea)
a few ice cubes

Blended into smooth deliciousness and poured into a Guinness glass!

I first used lemonade one day because I was out of my almond milk, and I loved the way it turned out. Sometimes if I remember to make it and put it into the fridge the night before I’ll throw in a cup of iced tea for a little wake-up in my morning monster. I particularly like chai tea with the frozen bananas.

Plus it’s fun to freak people out with the bright green color!

Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011


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